martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011

Los 3 Gremios de Aventureros de Akadia (Bounty Hunters)


Name: BloodHounds

Main Aligments : CE, NE, LE, CN, LN, N

MOTTO: Never Give Up, Never Surrender.

Hired when : Dead or Alive. Mostly Dead.
Everything Fails.
No questions asked.

Delivery Methods : Dead. Easier to carry a corpse
than a live one.

Most Members : Barbarians, Fighters, Warblades, Monks, Fallen Paladins, Sorcerer.

Favorite Skills : Intimidate, Bluff, Disguise, Appraise.

Benefits : -20% off all stores by intimidation. Free First Round of Beer in tavern. -20% off get out of jail. Work as executioner and bodyguards.

Name : L´Ordre de la Croix-Blanc

Aligments : LG, LN, LE, N

Motto: Obey the law and Use Common Sense.

Hired When: Wanted Alive to stand trial.
Everything else.

Delivery Methods: Alive or Dead if necessary. Surrender is acceptable, if not, Kill if wanted enemy resists after second warning. Kill one member and other will take his place.

Most Members : Paladins,Grey Guards, Griffon Riders, Samurai, Fighter, Monks, Rangers, Crusaders,Priests.

Favorite Skill: Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Use Magic Device, Craft.

Benefits : Close to Clergy and accepted in most temples. Known as the ears of the senate and are given holy quests in name of the clergy. Work as executioners and sheriffs.

Name: The Punishers

Aligment: CG,CN,CE,N,NG,NE

Motto: Everything has a weakness.

Hired When: Dead or Alive. No questions asked. Everything else fails.

Delivery Methods : Alive or Dead. Surrender is acceptable as killing as well. Kill one member and become the target of the guild.

Most Members: Barbarians, Rangers, Shamans, Rogues, Sorceres, Druids, Order of the bow, Griffon Rider.

Favorite skills: Stealth, Survival, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disable Divise, Intimidate, Craft.

Benefits: -10% Stores. -10% Get out of Jail. Use of record knowledge for bounties. Code of Honor between members ( help me, help you )

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